Meet Peg
Age: 6 years
Known for: Giving major side eye and terrorising the postie
Most likely to: Fall asleep while standing up
Lulu bag of choice: Bibi Goliath
Meet Ivy
Age: 5 months
Most likely to: Be the centre of attention. Ivy steals the show at any gathering.
Lulu bag of choice: Queenie in red
Meet Sprinkles
Age: 7 years
Known for: 4am wake up calls and snoring very loudly
Most likely to: Give the best cwtch (cuddles) ever.
Lulu bag of choice: Bibi Goliath
Meet Rosie
Age: 9 months
Known for: Sleeping on her mama’s head and demanding belly rubs
Lulu bag of choice: Ivy in black
Meet Duchamp
Age: 4 years
Known for: always reminding us when it’s food o’clock
Most likely to: Learn new tricks when treats are involved
Lulu bag of choice: Bibi Bingo
Meet Ruby
Age: 1 year
Known for: Eating other people’s picnics across North London
Most likely to: curl up on the sofa for snuggles (while stealing any food in the vicinity)
Meet Treacle and Smokey
Age: 3 months
Known for: Scaring the neighbours (we are very much misunderstood)
Most likely to: Crawl down the back of your shirt and out through your sleeve again